Oddbean new post about | logout
 Truly grateful I have never had to use linkedin.com in my life. But, a difficult road in another way that most can’t swallow. 
 if you cant exclude tourself from bullshit, at least dont become the bullshit. I've people around that use linkedin AND they like it, that is really a worriness thing. 
 some people glorify working for the biggest corp out there, and yes that is worrisome. 
 am i bias?  swallow triggers me for some,late nite here, reason       trying not to choke!/    (o_O) 
 I've never really seen the point and my ex tracked me down over my old account, so I deleted it. 
 I wish the developed countries could go back to the way things used to be done or are still done in developing countries where there isn't a resume, there's just proof of work done, like work done by an open source nym online. No holds barred and you're hired, just like that. 

Credential - less. 

Screw the system. We know you're capable and we'll take it; forget the regulatory barriers; they only exist to tax and add middlemen. 
 It's because it's so hard to fire someone, here. 
 where is "here"?  yes some places are overregulated. 

the more overregulation the more mentally slow and inefficient, I've observed. How these people are able to make a living soul sucking the system is just sad af 
 Germany. Used to work well, here, despite the overregulation, because Germans were so good at following instructions.

Okay, whether that's a feature or a bug, is open to interpretation. 😂