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 The IDF also have a habit of dressing in civilian clothes during operations, raping prisoners, and of using Palestinian children as human shields.

The IDF have become the reembodiment of the Dirlwanger Brigade, only far more expensive and even less effective.

Gaza is the new Warsaw Ghetto. I am praying this time the outcome is different. 
 It’s not a “habbit”. It’s special operations to arrest or assassinate specific individuals after collecting intelligence on them. They don’t dress up in civilian clothes to shoot random confused civilians that approach them.
The occasions of torture of prisoners today is investigated and whoever did that is punished. They all get to see doctors and medics. Hamas thugs have let an 86 years old hostage die in the tunnels without his medications.
If Oct 7th was an attack only on military bases and armed people, or maybe even targeting high profile politicians or military men in their homes - I would say that Hamas created a respectful civilization with an orderly chain of command that can control its violence and can be negotiated with.
But they chose to shoot civilians from range zero, to rape women in front of their friends, to dance with their children on corpses. They are a sick barbaric society that worships death and destruction for all sides, equivalent to modern vikings. Once they unleash violence, they can’t control themselves.
Here are some videos of the “Warsaw Ghetto” before Oct 7th:




 Regular military forces are required to wear uniforms.

Irregular forces may wear civilian attire, but must wear a symbol by which they may be identified at a distance.

The IDF dressing as civilians makes them every bit as guilty as Hamas.

And the fact you somehow went through national service without learning the Geneva Conventions is symptomatic of the moral abyss that is today's IDF.

With the ubiquity of security cameras, we have (illegally leaked, later admitted) footage of Israeli soldiers committing acts of rape and sadism.

Cameras on Oct 7th did not record anything comparable by Hamas during their raid. They are bad men, but in the 13 minutes between their attack on the music festival and the arrival of IDF attack helicopters they behaved as a scarily professional military force, snatching dozens of hostages and getting them back into Gaza alive.

The most dangerous thing about Hamas is the way they managed to weaponise Zionist evil against Israeli civilians, IDF ground troops and Israel's public image. 

Half the Israeli dead on October 7th were security forces, and many of their dead civilians had been burned with white phosphorus shells, a weapon Hamas does not possess.

The culture of rape and death you describe appears to be Israel's alone. As does the culture of food and medicine denial as a weapon of genocide.

 Sorry for the misinformation that you base your views on. You have no idea what you are talking about, and the Geneva Convention rules are not adjusted to confront the barbarism of our Arab cousins.
If you live in the American continent, you’re safe for now.
But if you live in West-Europe, this misinformation could lower your defenses from the potential danger of the Islamists that entered your countries. I hope I’m wrong, but we’ll see in a few years.
