The point of this is to say that they must have some form of control to prevent misuse of their free "global state" resources, as they are necessarily limited. Nostr doesn't have such issue because each server is the private property of someone and has their own arbitrary rules. Bluesky the platform must have some arbitrary rules too otherwise it would be spammed to death, but then it is not really an open network anymore and whoever decides what is spam and what isn't has all the censorship power any other closed platform has.
Nobody gives a fuck that on nostr you could make your own relay to say banana
Anything would get taken down for will also get your nostr relay's DNS and IP and eventually onion address taken down without the p2p network we don't have
You said in the beginning you had a point here but what was it?
Você e os outros fascistas daqui do Nostr estão muito preocupados com o BlueSky ultimamente, né!? A ponto até mesmo de criar um perfil de SPAM por lá! Vocês deveriam estar mais preocupados em corrigir as vulnerabilidades gritantes do Nostr ao invés de ficar olhando se a grama do vizinho é mais verde que a de vocês.🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Negativo. O "ponto" foi criar conta de SPAM para difamar a UX invejável do AT Protocol e, assim, tentar mostrar alguma hipotética superioridade do Nostr em relação ao concorrente mais bem sucedido.
Cuide do Nostr. Esqueça a grama do vizinho. Ela sempre será mais verde!