;; ufdfd, ;; https://didoesdigital.com/typey-type/lessons/custom/setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a AEU convincing KAUPB/SREUPBS/-G talk TAUBG about PW whether WHR they're THER nuclear TPHAOU/KHRAR weapons WEPS or not. OR/TPHOT/TP-PL But KPA/PWUT hopefully HO*EF I can KEU point POEUPBT us to US/TO some SOPL information TPH-FGS that THA sheds SHEDZ light HRAOEUT on OPB this. TH/TP-PL The KPA/-T next TPHEGT reason R-PB why KWR even AOEPB get TKPWET into TPHAO this TH again TKPWEPB on a OPB/AEU webinar WEB/TPHAR is S supposedly SPOEFLD to do TO/TKO with W health. H*ELT/TP-PL is I've S/AOEUF said SED over OEFR and SKP over OEFR again, STKPWERPBGS I have SREU a AEU hypothesis, HAO*EUPT/KW-BG which WEU means PHAOEPBS it may T/PHAE or may OR/PHAE not be TPHOT/-B true, TRAOU/KW-BG that THA you U cannot SK-PBT build a PWEULD/AEU healthy HOEUFLT anything TPHEUG person, PERPB/KW-BG society, SOET/KW-BG culture, KURLT/KW-BG world, WORLD/KW-BG based PWAEUFD on a OPB/AEU foundation TPOUPBGS of -F lies. HRAO*EUS/TP-PL And if KPA/TPAPBD it T turns TURPBS out OUT that THA there THR are no R/TPHO nuclear TPHAOU/KHRAR weapons, WEPS/KW-BG then THEPB one of WUFPB the -T fundamental TP*UL tenants TAEPBTS of our -F/OUR scientific SKEUFBG and SKP political PHREU/K-L establishment STAEPLT is S based PWAEUFD on on a OPB/OPB/AEU foundation TPOUPBGS of -F lies. HRAO*EUS/TP-PL So that KPA/SO/THA alone A/HROEPB should SHO get us TKPWET/US interested TR-D in in TPH/TPH the -T subject. SUBT/TP-PL But KPA/PWUT that's THATS not the TPHOT/-T only OEPBL reason. R-PB/TP-PL The KPA/-T second SEBGD reason R-PB