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Who doesn’t love a circle jerk? nostr:note13dzm0jrjk588ne9tmlzqlqhwsr2quyttfcvu34s8r8temulq2vfskgweyr 
 "used it last year for a few days" ..lol.. lmao even 
 Why is @walker still on Twitter? 
 Different audience and people who need to be educated would be my guess. 
 I think it is more related to the size of his reach on Twitter relative to NOSTR … the need / impulse to monetize one’s Twitter following is real and hard to get over.

Props to @ODELL 
 I honestly don’t think it’s monetization. I know Carla and Walker well and monetizing their Twitter following is not something that is important to them.

But yes props to Odell, Gigi and a growing number of people here. 