The #ClimateCrisis is here, we're doing too little about it & the extreme heat being experienced around the world may have become normal in a decade.... We can only do two thins & we need to do them both: we need to accelerate moves to #netzero! we need to develop strategies for helping those most effected (either to adapt their homes/locations) or move to areas/locations where they can thrive. Everything else is just sound & light! #GreenTransition now!
@43d7c4ea we need to accelerate the move to *low carbon*. A sequence of reflections on ‘net zero’
@43d7c4ea While it's an unpopular thing to say, I think population control is also needed. We can either control birth rates now (and start on solutions for caring for an aging population), or wait for mass starvation as major crops fail. Of those two reducing birth rates is the better solution.