Three and a half hours until the jam starts, I still don't even know which engine I'm using never mind what game I'm making! 😅 I feel like my skills in #Unity are way more advanced, but getting better at #Godot is going to be more useful for future projects. Hmm. Better go in a nice bubblebath and ruminate for a bit. Just #GameDev things. #RainbowJam23 #GameJam
@9ddd61cd Godot is a pretty good game engine, I'm also using Godot for creating a game about the periodic table of elements.
@e93c08ba Yeah I've been using it for a few months on my main project, and I do like it a lot. Just...I'm still better at Unity so might make sense to go with that in a deadline scenario, you know? Probably what'll happen is it'll hit midnight and I'll flip a coin 😅
Yes I am just gonna keep the random jam updates coming tonight because I am home alone with nobody else to chunter at. Got my game idea set, I think! Although I can already see the scope getting out of hand so need to spend the next half hour taking that down a notch. Defrosting some celebratory cake that I'm not allowed to scoff until I've made at least one meaningful commit <-- pro motivation strat.
@9ddd61cd Following your jam prep posts with interest (and rooting for you! 😃). Wish I could do a jam (#RainbowJam23 or #EpicMegaJam maybe) but it'll take me time to retask. Finally put my low-level, non-game coding aside today after solid months and am sifting through half-finished projs and unmoored ideas, looking for a way back in. Going to limber up with a simple, fresh, LITTLE piece tomorrow. 🤓
@a1bd68ef Haha, thanks! Honestly I feel you, the only way I can even think about doing this one is because it's two weeks long and hopefully I can come up with a scope that takes significantly less than two weeks. Good luck with whatever you decide to work on. As long as we're making *something* we're doing good.
@9ddd61cd Top-tier motivational technique…
@d7e41a87 Thanks I was pretty proud of myself. Although some would say cake after midnight is not very grownup behaviour. (to those people I say, "pffft!")
Wandered off to get a drink and forgot to be there for the official start, oops! Still, only 5 minutes wasted 😅
Cake strat success! #GameJam #Cake
@9ddd61cd ohhh yeah I was thinking of trying godot for this otoh I have no ideas rn and a slightly time sensitive non-game coding project to work on 😅 we shall see
@b5ac8535 Well there's lots of time to decide! Some people will be going hard and using every second of the 15 days, others will be trying to get something tiny done and submitted by Monday. We will cheer you on either way if you do come play! (I would have said just pop into my project and help out there if you don't want to make something yourself, but tbh I'm such a Godot idiot I'm not sure working with my code would be educational OR enjoyable 😅)