Jameson, I’m looking to improve the security and privacy of me and my family online and IRL. Would you be down to share some articles/sources where I can learn more how to do it? Online scams, ransom, and online forms of extortion are at an all time high in Colombia, and would love to take steps to protect my family. Any help is greatly appreciated. What to start doing/using, what to stop using, habits, settings, devices, etc. appreciate all your help ⚡️⚡️
I have a bunch of privacy resources here https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information/privacy.html#general I wrote some thoughts on home security here: https://blog.keys.casa/a-home-defense-primer/
This is amazing! I really enjoyed your article on privacy where you talk about mailing addresses and buying pre-filled credit cards. Lots to unpack there. Do you have anything specific for my parents (in their 60s) to stay safe on mobile? Stay private when using their apps and some habits and security protocols to stay safe from scams, extortion calls, etc. My parent live in Colombia, and it’s becoming very popular that people are getting their phones hacked, information stolen, and then the criminals will extort people or ask for ransom in cases where the information stolen is sensitive. Hasn’t happen to my family, but would love them to implement measures to make it harder and less likely. Basically improve their security and privacy a lot.