Oddbean new post about | logout
 I am disgusted, this is not the place where I was born, this is the place where NATO stopped us, my party left and has no intention of being arrested, this place represents me, not the people who have it busy, I could change region, province or state but I don't give it to him without having first sweated, I don't run away without being chased by dogs, I don't give in if the bone is still fractured, in fact I have taken little from the modern Italian, who stays silent and he doesn't agree while at work instead, he's broken, I can only become embittered, for money they made you forget who we are, we were shepherds before we became sheep. I see myself more in Caesar, Julius Caesar, so if I don't agree they will suffer, compromise is a must to seek an agreement, and if there is one thing that psychology knows well, it is that oppressors do not encourage agreements, it satisfies the oppressors to immerse yourself in your and their shit to find speech speeches, the BestBuy of mental imbalances, I think the time has come to catalog tyranny as a chronic syndrome, because I see people calling work 100SATs per hour, there is a bit of confusion Rick, shall we set the record straight once and for all? If it's confusion you're looking for, we're on the right track, but you should sweat this too for better results, the things purchased are worth just as much as the gesture of the transaction 👛 And anyway, no one gives a damn, I hope I have been useful for the future 😂