Oddbean new post about | logout
 This makes me sad, it feels like open source tech is way behind now. AI is going to change computing and people are going to forget about the days when we didn’t have it. It will look like old and obscure tech, even more than it already is.

The opensource ai crowd needs to pick up the pace or open source computing is fucked and it will become less relevant than ever. 
 How is open source AI goin to even begin to scale against characters like Altman  
 Very morbid. I can't see myself trusting Apple (or any other closed source big tech operator) enough to use something like this... 

But there most likely comes a point where there isn't a real choice to opt out, implied or otherwise. 
 personalized ai assistants who offload tons of computing interface complexity. Normies will eat this up. Techies will too. It will save tons of time. There’s no going back after this. Star trek computer is where we are headed. 
 Mind bending. This is a lot of power to comprehend. 
 Only if you ignore the unsolved and persistent MAJOR, high risk,problem:  It doesn't actually work.  No AI model is accurate enough to avoid disaster: there will be countless stories of AI telling your boss something you didn't want said, or making purchases you didn't want, telling you to add glue to pasta sauce. These problems aren't going away, and the only way to stop such risks is to make AI a less useful assistant, which is what a standard computer is. 
 AI assistant will be a short lived gimmick, in the sense that if you don't mind it being completely inaccurate for all the integrated tasks you  give it, then it will  SORT OF work.  But when it makes mistakes, it will move beyond just annoying (like when alexa doesn't understand your words) to destructive and catastrophic.   Apple doesn't want to use its own AI because it doesn't want that responisibility.  It informs you that you are using OpenAI.  Because its an unreliable toy. 
 I was ready to get rid of my Mac but I can't.  
 The military industrial complex is trying to demoralize you. Open source AI is doing well, give it time 
 It's not that far behind.
Listen to Ai Unchained.
HoleSail plus https://pinokio.computer/

 AI is retarded anyways. We don't need it in open s ource 
 retardants are great. Just sprinkle some on top. I mean, look at the standard model, if that’s not retarded, you tell me what is. It certainly isn’t Microsoft’s ms rodents.
That’s for sure.

How are my dogs doing?! 
 We'll have open source OSes with (optional) sovereign AI models and private data. They just won't be Linux. That's okay.  
 People will crave traditional computers that don't spy on you all day long, the way people crave Monero or Tor - none of which will and should never ever be integrated into AI.  I'm not sure I would even read a newspaper on an AI chipped machine.