Damn’ that’s hard but I guess Germany takes like 65-70% including spcial security and givea you back shit, street biolence and high energy prices. Abu Dhabi leves you money tou earn and let you decide how you spend it. It is up to you if you burn it for Ferrari or secure you family’s future. Now for dufference between democracy and dictatorship/ kingdom. Some say that you nat end up with dictator like Saddam or Idi Amin who will waste your land. Fair enough but you may also leave in Oman where their kings are one by one good for the country. Moreover my experience with so called western liberal democracy is that for the last 30 years I can see the same bastards in charge of their parties, just switching sides and instaead of meritocracy only the worst, least competent but loyal are chosen to be in parliament or government. Fuck this shit!