** ERC-2335: A Standard for Secure Private Key Encryption in Blockchain Development The Ethereum Research Council (ERC) has introduced ERC-2335, a standard designed to mitigate the risks associated with hardcoding private keys in blockchain development. This standard aims to prevent accidental exposure of private keys in public repositories and production environments, a common issue that has resulted in significant financial losses. Prior to ERC-2335, developers often hardcoded private keys directly into their source code or configuration files, leading to unintended exposures. The new standard provides a structured approach to private key encryption, ensuring secure local storage and encryption of private keys. By enforcing clear distinctions between encrypted key storage and application logic, ERC-2335 helps development teams implement secure key management practices from the start of their projects. ** Source: https://dev.to/scofieldidehen/erc-2335-encrypting-private-keys-2o43