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 Tattoos = injecting yourself with highly toxic chemicals that go straight into your bloodstream, leading to organ damage, hormonal disruption, and a greatly increased risk of future cancer.

Condolences to those who've already gotten them, but this info NEEDS to be spread. https://nostpic.com/media/0018b7ee33fb253843639c62e292fec700a69a93b08ee374c5bda971c9b39564/62f2ad0fcbf331d9c0851179b39a3d18d19f276baf316d9eea3b38f3dbacd2cd.webp https://nostpic.com/media/0018b7ee33fb253843639c62e292fec700a69a93b08ee374c5bda971c9b39564/adb0d61cb3ef4a324844395a37f4e089cecf401ce91bc304bc5856a9d4d1ebb2.webp 
 Fuck and I wanted to get one finally  
 Your body, but I wouldn't recommend it

I expect a huge movement of all-natural coming 
 You prefer injecting something more fun? 
 1. We are people,  not mice
2.Why do bikers live so long then? 
 Bikers die, but the gang lives forever.  
 Well guess I’m fucked lmao 
 All that trouble to look like an inmate.  
 I don't think you can reliably infer cancer risk, unless it's orders of magnitude higher. Also carnivore could offset it sufficiently.

That being said, tattoos are supposedly more common in people with mental health issues. It might be a bad idea to permanently add this association. 
 Bold assumption.