Oddbean new post about | logout
 Thanks for posting this. I think it comes down to 'language' when people say Ban or Censor everyone's undies get in a bundle.

It is no different than on Bitcoin. 

The term we need to use is Filter.

Satoshi used Filters. In fact, Satoshi's first quest was to go after the similar thing you are talking about, SPAM on email. 

Cooks know when they are making a secret recipe, you don't just let a guy off the street into the kitchen to pee in your soup.

It's not censorship, it's filtering.

No value. 

One more example, Gmail is fantastic at censoring SPAM, however, with this election, I noticed they are letting in "DNC" or "Democratic" emails to come in but, I have the power to 'filter' and they are gone in a few clicks. 
1) Do a search
2) Click the weird icon far right inside the search
3) Do this: