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 This new commentary by Ken Gentry on the book of Revelation has been in the works for many years. I can finally snag a copy! https://www.kennethgentry.com/the-divorce-of-israel-2-vols-by-gentry-pre-publication-offer

"The Divorce of Israel presents a “redemptive-historical” approach to Revelation. As such it provides a fully orthodox preterist interpretation of the Apostle John’s great prophecy, while presenting a “Now/Not Yet” understanding of the conclusion of Revelation, with the coming of the New Heavens and New Earth. In it John is presenting a forensic drama wherein God is divorcing his old covenant wife Israel so that he can take a new bride, the new covenant “Israel of God” composed of Jew and Gentile alike.

John’s drama builds upon numerous Old Testament passages while expanding on Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. That Discourse declared God’s judgment on unfaithful Israel’s beloved temple and her holy city. God’s divorce results in first-century geo-political Israel’s judgment by capital punishment for spiritual adultery in rejecting her Messiah, declaring she has no king but Caesar, and persecuting the Messiah's new covenant family.

Thus, Revelation presents the vitally important redemptive-historical transition from the land-based, ethnically-focused, typologically-oriented, temple-dominated old covenant economy to its worldwide, pan-ethnic, spiritual new covenant fulfillment which spiritually anticipates the consummate, material, eternal new creation wherein dwells righteousness. "

#faith #bible #christian https://m.primal.net/HoaP.png