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 They're going to 9/11 the internet.


Barack & Michelle Obama just produced their first fiction film on Netflix called: "Leave The World Behind" 

The plot is about a cyberattack that shuts down all the power & cripples the United States. (Predictive programming?)


#GreatReset #CyberPandemic 
 One of the globalist alphabet suit outfits has it coming in 2025. They are definitely gonna try it. 
 I orginally predicted peak reset for 2024-2026. I could see the #CyberPandemic as the perfect false flag for collapsing the West. 
 Defunding these lunatics can’t come fast enough. 
 Without a fucking doubt .  
 What does that mean for bitcoin? 
 Acclaimed film producer Barack Obama: you couldn't make it up if you tried .  it's like his "inconvenient truth" moment.  
 It'll be all theater. Governments forcing shutdowns(lockdowns) to protect from 'cyberattacks' and the only way out would be to vaccinate the internet with Digital IDs linked to biometrics.

Nostr would be unimpacted but how does a soverign individual stop or fight this without running their own ISP?

Most ISPs would comply. What are the next steps here guys.

Don't give them your biometrics ✅

 My sense is that the five eyes nations are going for a dystopic plunge and it'll be a breath holding contest amongst Bitcoiners and other freedom lovers. 
 100% think the same. Seems like Europe may be a bastion during the "cyber pandemic". Europe has shown strong resilience to privacy invading bills(chat control/encryption/unhosted wallet attacks😂) from being enacted recently and has the strongest privacy protecting laws already.

Five eyes + brainwashed east is doomed. 
 I didn’t note this was produced by the Obamas. Not surprised though. About 30 min in any 80iq pleb was asking, why this movie and why now? What’s the goal?. Here it is. 
 No sooner does the movie launch and we see headlines from Reuters of Russia pulling passports for Russians with classified info and china seems to be attacking the us grid. 
 I have the professional experience to share that a multi-regional-scale power utility cyberattack in the USA would be extremely difficult to pull off, even more difficult to pull off discretely, and even more difficult still to keep power off for an extended period.

It would require buy in from lots of American engineers all in very different areas all of whom would not benefit from losing power in this manner.

EMP attacks are more likely to be successful at knocking out the broader grid than cyberattacks. Govt induced 'solar flares'. 

Everyone should take comfort from this netflix film revealing just how little these jackasses understand about how the grid details work. 
 10 years professional experience in the bulk power delivery space. I stand by what I said. 
 What are your thoughts on the resilience against a *mutating* AI driven virus as Joshua Philipp discusses? 
I'm not looking to delegitimize your expertise, rather, curious of your thoughts based on that expertise  
 I'll add that my question arises out of ignorance on a lot of AI matters too. Seems like a mutating AI is plausible but unlikely. Yet still curious of your thoughts on the matter as it concerns power grids and infrastructure.  
 Any power utility cyberattack that does not include a physical real-world component, such as terrorist involvement, physical infrastructure damage, or sabotage by utility stakeholders will be geographically isolated and short-lived in the USA.

There are threats to grid stability, but AI and remote hackers aint it. 
 What is the expected timeline for this in your opinion?

What precautions should be taken in anticipation of this threat in particular? 
 If forced to guess? 2024-2026.

Take the same process you would for severe civil unrest for an unknown amount of time (7-90 days, perhaps...).

Imagine covid with the veil of local order and governance lifted. 
 Some things I recommend as prep (which are good preparedness actions regardless of whether this happens or not) 

A few months supply of essential needs—food that has good shelf life, water (or access to water), energy (solar panels, generator, oil, gas, propane, candles, fire pit, wood, matches, lighters, flash lights)

Going to want to have away to boil collected water at the very least. If you have other purifying methods that is a plus. 

Alternative comms such as ham radio. 

Save all your important files and digital information on one or more external harddrives

Home defense 

Your bitcoin on an air gapped hardware wallet 

Cash on hand

Decently stocked medicine cabinet including a reserve of any necessary prescriptions


Some kind of plan, especially somewhere to go (and a plan to get there) if things get really bad and where you live becomes unsafe. 
 I’d add a lifestraw to that list since it gives you access to clean water evens under extreme circumstances for very low cost  
 Reminds me of what the big money ppl wanted to do in Daniel Suarez book Freedom 
 Yup def conditioning the masses how to think and react.