14 hours later, 229 timestamps published, 76 pending, now alternating between the 4 public calendar servers to alleviate the (enormous) load. One thing I don't get is how I can send 2 ids for timestamping at the same time and one goes in the next batch, the other only on the following batch many hours later.
1527 timestamps published, 47 pending.
«وقف الوقوف» تتلقى 100 ألف ريال 🤔 من 🌈 أحد المحسنين https://al-sharq.com/get/maximage/20240917_1726526052-366.jpg?t=1726526053 https://al-sharq.com/article/17/09/2024/وقف-الوقوف-تتلقى-100-ألف-ريال-من-أحد-المحسنين