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 I just realized there is an enormous database of people talking about RSS on the internet, teaching others how to use RSS, learning how to use RSS, talking about the advantages of RSS, conducting user research on RSS first impressions.

All of this applies almost unedited to Nostr. 
 The same applies to UX design of RSS clients. 
 Ultimately Nostr is going to have to be way bigger than RSS, but we are still much smaller. 
 then be easier to use, with no douchebags in between. 
 It's like it only took nearly 20 years for RSS to catch on.  It was on fire when it launched, used for everything, then passed by the wayside.  We had our own RSS aggregators so we didn't have to visit blogs individually.  Then Google tried to kill it when they killed the Google Reader service.  RSS definitely fell out of favour.  Nice to see it back! Less nice to see some services using it to get clicks off Nostr but not actually participating in the Nostr community.  Maybe these things just take time.   
 Tem alguns clientes de RSS que já dão suporte ao Json como Feeder
 To "unedited to nostr" or "to unedited nostr"? 
 I just recently started using RSS for the first time actually!  
 Is there a way to share opml file on Nostr?   
 nostr will bring back RSS and torrenting
and make it social + v4v monetizeable

moStard will power those use cases with :monero_white:  
 RSS hasn’t gone anywhere. V4V is not strictly about monetization, it’s producing shows in an open format where any form of contribution is considered and thanked. Podcasting 2.0 apps have had lightning payments integrated since 2020ish.  
 Anyone remember the Sphinx days? https://image.nostr.build/b0d29681d60fc89798209ef651a49cfedded55bdc5aee9e3a4c34b4f22c45463.jpg  
 Ok but those Milano cookies are 🔥 
 Hell yea dude, you should swing by the zeronode IRC server sometime.