Interesting fact of the day. One fundamental principle of the Sikh culture/religion is to feed the homeless. As such every single one of their temples has a community kitchen and anyone, even if you arent a sikh, can go in any time and be fed, no questions asked.
@b05df304 Sikh culture, religion and philosophy has many admirable attributes.
@b05df304 One of the tithes in the law of Moses was a contribution for food distributed to the poor and administered by the Levites. It also doesn't say anything about qualifying the recipients. And indeed, most people would rather have more say in what they were eating - but if the only other option is starvation...
How do these institutions handle famine? First come first serve? Serving size limits? We had (government caused) famine in America just 100 years ago - but everyone has forgotten what it is like.