I'm kinda excited for the fact that USB-C on iPhones means we can output video from it much easier now. At a hotel with a TV but no AirPlay? Easy!
@096d2c53 but I read on the internet that switching to USB-C was *entirely* a cave to the EU and it has no upside whatsoever and had no other reason to happen! Was I lied to?!
@096d2c53 Yup, that’s pretty neat! And with the USB 2.0 speeds on the non-pro models you even get to play “Count-the-pixels” for free, what a deal!
@096d2c53 I hope apps do the Right Thing™ with video output — with the iPad a surprising number of ‘video’ apps (e.g., they play video as their only purpose) don’t pump the video out exclusively, so you just get screen mirroring. Maybe the *terrible* experience of the phone-at-4k will encourage apps to do the work for this. (Prime example F1TV doesn’t do the right thing…)
@096d2c53 you can do that? 
@096d2c53 I’m excited to be able to connect an Ethernet adapter so I can remote play games with low latency.
@096d2c53 USB-C was a big step for iPad for the same reason. Even when using a dongle w/lightning, there were compression artifacts and a 70+ ms delay. The latter wasn’t as big as a deal for watching movies or TV shows, but a 70ms delay is notable if you’re controlling realtime visuals.
@096d2c53 This seems silly at first, but carrying a USB-HDMI cable is well worth the effort.