If WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted why does the app suggest that I should join the group "Bundesregierung" after I spoke with MamaGrinder about the Bundesregierung?
just a coincidence
10 min after the call on a Spanish prepaid card? That's one hell of a coincidence.
WhatsApp might be private, but your phone and many services installed on it are not 😂 Didn’t Google admit they are always listening in, transcribing and sending key words back for advertising purposes?
It's a burner with like 3 apps installed. The phone's language is set to English and the sim is a Spanish prepaid. So why would whatsapp randomly suggest that I might be interested in the group of the Bundesregierung? (I almost only use this phone to communicate with my Mum. My main phone has Graphene on it.
I have always believed that somehow Meta monetizes WhatsApp. It is still the most used messaging application in the world.
I have no doubt that they are but that means that the chat isn't end-to-end encrypted at all.
Check out WhatsApp for business accounts. That's where FB tap into data and make money off it.
A birds eye view, in-transit encryption is probably true, but a record of your WhatsApp calls and messages is stored on Google Drive. Those records are not stored encrypted by default. You have to set up stored encryption. It is quite simple. But unless everyone else you communicate with is set up the same, it's a mess.