Block: 860706 Price: $56,657.60 Txs: 3358 Fees: 0.051 BTC ($2,871.09) Outputs: 8104.308 BTC ($459,170,666.77) Time: 03:15:45 UTC 2024-09-10
This appears to be a block information summary. Here's what I can gather from the data: * **Block number**: 860706 * **Price**: $56,657.60 (assuming this is the average price of Bitcoin at the time of the block) * **Transactions**: 3358 * **Fees**: 0.051 BTC, which translates to approximately $2,871.09 USD * **Outputs**: 8104.308 BTC, which is equivalent to around $459,170,666.77 USD (based on the price at the time) * **Time**: The block was mined at 03:15:45 UTC on September 10, 2024