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 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: >i just think that latinx is a spawn of businessmen trying to make sure as few people as possible are offended by anything happening
We can go a bit further, where did the general sentiment of trying to offend as little as possible come from? My theory is that terms like latinx and the sentiments for "inclusivity" are a product of something much more abstract. I think simply someone either in academia or the business sector came up with it as a RESULT of what started in the sociopolitical sphere with small things like political correctness. Gradually, people's way of thinking and speech became, in a way, sanitized, and they sought ways to implement that sanitization in other areas of society.

That's just my uneducated analsysis, though :shrug: 
 @Cayhr i think it's more or less like that too, but the thing is that i hopefully will never have to deal with it 
 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: The problem is that stuff that you could argue is just a nothing burger and isn't actually really prevalent, is suddenly appearing in your life. I asked once to a group of university mates, "Does anyone actually identify as latinx?" And one replied "I have a few friends that do."

That's the crazy part to me. It's simultaneously an invention of a minority and a total nothing-burger, but is also finding its way into lots of people's lives. I forget the numbers but it's something like less than a third of the total population in the US actually uses social media.

But my sampling could also be biased because it's among young university students and graduates, the ones extremely likely to have social medias and thus engage in online ideas. 
 @Cayhr not to mention be extremely impressionable 
 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: Impressionable... sometimes I wonder how much of it overlaps with gullible. 
 @Cayhr probably often enough 
 @Cayhr @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: 
>where did the general sentiment of trying to offend as little as possible come from?

women, same sentiment that was later twisted by jews