@643c2077 In #Texas the state pays care givers $10.60/hr. A new Dairy Queen employee in Austin is paid $15.60/hr. https://www.texasobserver.org/community-based-caregiver-wages-2023/ 👀 @ba07ee6f https://newsie.social/@TexasObserver@texasobserver.social/111024916484919822 #Texas #Healthcare #Caregivers #Labor #Politics #USA #News https://assets.newsie.social/media_attachments/files/111/030/150/584/358/011/original/ba622416b18b3f70.png
@90ffc635 @ba07ee6f oh. wow. That's terrible! @e74472a2 from our newsroom has been building a beat on #disability issues. Here's a story she did about people who ended up living in nursing homes when they did not want to because they could not access PCAs to help them live independently: https://www.wgbh.org/news/housing/2023-01-26/a-lawsuit-could-force-the-state-to-help-thousands-of-people-with-disabilities-find-housing