Oddbean new post about | logout
 Libertarians should watch this and find out what happens when government treads on them

 And DC would find out real quick how different things are when the plebs can shoot back 
 Tank goes burrrrr 
Airplanes go burrr
ICBMs go boom
Nukes go..... 
 They aint destroying the land itself. That has value to them and its worthless if its got craters everywhere. And see Vietnam for what a bunch of out gunned peasants can do. 
 Also keep in mind how retarded the military and federal agencies are these days. 
 You mean diverse  
 I prefer retarded. Cuz it much more than just that. Its the entire retarded mindset. The whole package is just fit for clown world 
 Soon the USA will come to give away a little democracy 
 They haven't tried since Occupy Wall Street. Still waiting for Occupy Israel 
 Isn't there some Jew boycotts now ? 
 Yes. Inside Israel itself is probably the biggest. I'd rather see a boycott of YouTube, OpenAI, Instagram. That'd be fun.