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 “Invisible Chains”


“The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”
— Louis D. Brandeis

### **Introduction: The Spectrum of Possibilities**

Let’s be honest: the world we’re stepping into looks nothing like the one we’re leaving behind. For the first time in history, we’ve got a couple of technologies on our hands—Bitcoin and Artificial Intelligence (AI)—that aren’t just changing the game; they’re rewriting the rules entirely. If you’re still thinking about these in terms of what came before, you’re already missing the point. These aren’t just shiny new tools; they’re tectonic shifts, and the ground under our feet is still trembling.

Bitcoin, with its promise of decentralized finance, is more than just digital money. It’s a shot across the bow of the entire financial system, a system that has been running on fumes for too long. AI, on the other hand, is like that all-seeing eye we’ve always dreamed of—or feared, depending on your perspective. It’s poised to redefine everything from how we work to how we think. And when these two forces collide? Buckle up, because the ride’s going to get wild.

But before we go any further, let’s get one thing straight: we’re not here to peddle utopian dreams or dystopian nightmares. The future, as the saying goes, is already here—it’s just not evenly distributed. Some of us are already living in the world Bitcoin and AI are creating, while others are still trying to figure out what the hell just happened. That’s the reality we’re dealing with—a mosaic of possibilities, some bright, some dark, but all interconnected.

This isn’t just another tech revolution; it’s a philosophical one. We’re talking about technologies that cut deeper than any policy debate or political squabble. They demand that we reconsider the fundamentals—what it means to be free, to work, to earn a living. These aren’t questions that fit neatly into left or right, conservative or liberal. They’re questions that transcend all that noise. And if we’re going to get this right, we need to start thinking about these things from the ground up.

So, let’s dive in. We’re going to explore the best and worst of what’s possible, map out the mosaic reality we’re already living in, and reflect on what it all means. If you’re looking for easy answers, you’re in the wrong place. But if you’re ready to engage with the big questions—questions that are going to shape the world for generations to come—then let’s get started.

Worst-Case Scenario: A Dystopian Future

As we stand at the precipice of unprecedented technological change, it’s worth contemplating the darker possibilities—the scenarios where things don’t just go wrong, but go horribly wrong. We’re talking about a future where Bitcoin, despite all its revolutionary potential, never fulfills its promise, and where AI, instead of being a tool for empowerment and creativity, becomes a mechanism of control and manipulation on a scale we’ve never seen before.

First, let’s consider the failure of Bitcoin. Imagine a world dominated not by a decentralized, open financial network, but by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)—digital cash controlled entirely by governments. In this world, Bitcoin’s potential for financial sovereignty and decentralization is squashed by heavy-handed regulation, sidelining it as a fringe technology while CBDCs become the standard. Every transaction is tracked, every dollar is programmable, and your financial freedom becomes nothing more than an illusion.

This isn’t some distant dystopia; it’s a reality that’s already taking shape. Consider the recent trucker protest in Canada, where individuals who peacefully petitioned their government for redress found their bank accounts frozen, their access to funds cut off. This was a clear and troubling display of how financial control can be wielded as a weapon to stifle dissent and enforce conformity. Now, imagine that on a global scale, with CBDCs giving governments the ultimate tool of financial repression. It’s a world where freedom is sacrificed on the altar of control, where your financial life is no longer your own.

But that’s just one side of the coin. The other side is what happens with AI—a technology so powerful that it could reshape every aspect of our lives. In the worst-case scenario, AI doesn’t become the great equalizer; it becomes the great oppressor. Imagine a world where the immense capabilities of AI are monopolized by a few powerful corporations or government entities. Instead of being tools for creativity, empowerment, and individual freedom, AI systems are turned into instruments of control.

Think about the amount of personal information people already share online, often without a second thought. It’s beyond Big Brother’s wildest dreams. Now, add AI to the mix—AI that can analyze, predict, and manipulate human behavior on a massive scale. In this world, surveillance isn’t just pervasive; it’s subtle, insidious, and incredibly effective. It’s one thing to have news anchors subtly influence public opinion, but it’s a whole different ballgame when AI is incorporated at every level, shaping the narratives, filtering the information you see, and even subtly manipulating your emotions and thoughts.

This dystopian future is one where control isn’t imposed with brute force; it’s achieved through nuanced, almost invisible mechanisms. AI, in the hands of a few powerful actors, could become the ultimate tool of manipulation, nudging entire populations towards conformity, suppressing dissent before it even has a chance to take root. The diversity of thought, the vibrancy of human creativity, and the freedom to chart your own course—all these things could be eroded, replaced by a homogenized reality dictated by those who control the AI.

When you put these threads together—Bitcoin’s potential stifled, AI’s power monopolized—you get a picture of a future where the fundamental promise of technology is turned on its head. Instead of ushering in an era of greater freedom and opportunity, these technologies become the chains that bind us, the tools that enforce a new kind of tyranny.

The most chilling aspect of this dystopian future isn’t just the loss of freedom; it’s the fact that it could happen so quietly, so gradually, that we might not even realize it until it’s too late. We’re already living in a world where digital life offers unprecedented convenience and connectivity, but also unprecedented vulnerability. The amount of data we share—willingly or not—combined with the power of AI to process and exploit that data, creates a scenario where control can be exerted not just overtly, but subtly, in ways that are almost impossible to detect.

This is the real nightmare scenario: a world where Bitcoin fails to fulfill its promise of financial sovereignty, where AI becomes a tool of control rather than empowerment, and where the vast potential of these technologies is harnessed not to liberate us, but to enslave us in ways that are difficult to see and even harder to resist.

If we don’t recognize these dangers now—if we don’t take steps to ensure that these technologies serve humanity rather than control it—we could find ourselves in a world where the future we’ve been promised turns into a future we desperately want to escape.

### **Best-Case Scenario: A Utopian Vision**

Now that we've faced the darkness, let’s turn our gaze to what’s possible if we get this right. Imagine a world where Bitcoin and AI fulfill their promise, not just as tools, but as transformative forces that reshape society for the better. This is the future where the ideals of decentralization and open-source technology aren’t just theoretical—they’re the foundation of a new era of human freedom and innovation.

In this best-case scenario, Bitcoin isn’t just another financial instrument—it’s the backbone of a new, decentralized economy. Gone are the days of centralized control over money, where governments and banks can inflate away your savings or deny you access to the financial system. Instead, we have a global, peer-to-peer network that allows anyone, anywhere, to participate in the economy on equal footing. It’s a world where financial sovereignty isn’t just for the elite; it’s for everyone.

But Bitcoin is just the beginning. When we pair it with AI—particularly open-source AI—we unlock even greater potential. AI becomes a tool not just for the few who can afford proprietary systems, but for anyone with the creativity and drive to use it. It’s a democratization of knowledge and power, where innovation isn’t confined to corporate labs, but happens in garages, basements, and remote villages.

This is a world where energy, once considered a limiting factor, becomes a new kind of currency. Bitcoin’s unique ability to monetize stranded energy sources—whether it’s excess solar power in the desert or untapped hydroelectric potential in a mountain village—creates a virtuous cycle. Energy is turned into money, money is used to build infrastructure, and that infrastructure generates more wealth. It’s a system that incentivizes green energy production and drives sustainable development, all while breaking down the barriers that have kept billions out of the global economy.

And let’s talk about access. In this future, the combination of Bitcoin and open-source AI creates a world of maximal freedom and choice. People aren’t locked into monolithic systems run by megacorporations or governments. Instead, they have a rich tapestry of options—free and open-source solutions existing alongside commercial products, each offering something different. Whether it’s a decentralized financial app built on Bitcoin or an AI tool designed to help farmers in developing countries, the possibilities are endless.

The beauty of this future is its diversity. It’s a world where different people, with different needs and values, can choose the tools and systems that work best for them. It’s a world where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. And it’s all made possible by the principles of decentralization, transparency, and openness that Bitcoin and AI embody.

And here’s the thing: this isn’t about some misguided pursuit of “equity,” that all-too-popular buzzword on the political left. Equality of outcome is a fantasy, a fool’s errand. Why? Because people aren’t clones. We’re different—different in our talents, our ambitions, our values. Forcing everyone into the same mold, pretending we can all have the same outcomes, is not just unrealistic—it’s downright destructive. It ignores the very things that make us human.

What we should be striving for, instead, is equality of opportunity—a world where everyone has the chance to succeed, where the barriers to entry are as low as we can make them, and where innovation and effort are rewarded. But let’s be real: even equality of opportunity is something we can only approach, never fully achieve. It’s an asymptote, a goal to keep reaching for, knowing we’ll never hit it perfectly, but that we must keep trying nonetheless.

This is the promise of Bitcoin and AI: a world where opportunity is as widespread as possible, where diversity of thought and action drives progress, and where individuals have the freedom to chart their own course. It’s a future worth fighting for, and it’s within our grasp if we’re willing to embrace it. Let’s not waste our time chasing impossible dreams of making everyone the same. Let’s focus on what really matters—giving everyone the tools and the freedom to be their best, whatever that looks like for them.

### **Bitcoin as a Check Against Runaway AI: Anchoring the Digital to the Physical**

We’ve already discussed Bitcoin’s unique ability to monetize stranded energy through its proof-of-work consensus mechanism, but let’s dive deeper into what makes Bitcoin truly special—and how it might be our best defense against runaway AI or any other centralizing force.

At its core, Bitcoin is tied to the physical world in a way that few other digital systems are. The proof-of-work mechanism, often misunderstood or criticized, is what anchors Bitcoin to reality. Every Bitcoin mined requires real-world energy, making it a digital asset with a direct link to physical resources. This isn’t just a technical detail; it’s a fundamental feature that gives Bitcoin its resilience and its ability to serve as a check against any entity—AI or otherwise—that might seek to amass too much control.

Now, imagine a world where AI systems become increasingly powerful, potentially threatening to centralize resources and decision-making on an unprecedented scale. Without a robust check, there’s a risk that these systems could outmaneuver human controls, concentrating power and resources in ways that could undermine individual autonomy and freedom. But Bitcoin, with its decentralized and distributed nature, provides a formidable counterbalance to this risk.

Here’s why: ownership and control of Bitcoin are distributed among millions—eventually billions—of individuals and economic actors. Each of these actors holds their Bitcoin behind public/private key cryptography, with self-interest guiding their actions. This widespread distribution means that no single entity, not even a powerful AI, can easily centralize control over the network or the resources tied to it.

In essence, Bitcoin’s architecture ensures that power remains diffuse. Any attempt by a centralizing force—be it a runaway AI or a government—to control the network would be met with resistance from millions of independent actors, all acting in their own self-interest. This isn’t a coordinated effort; it’s the result of the natural push and pull of decentralized systems, where the incentives are aligned to prevent any one actor from gaining too much control.

This distributed ownership and the physical anchoring of Bitcoin make it a practical check against the potential dangers of centralized AI systems. By tying the digital world to the physical one, Bitcoin ensures that no matter how advanced or autonomous AI systems become, they remain grounded in a reality where power is inherently distributed and difficult to consolidate.

Bitcoin isn’t just a digital currency; it’s a safeguard against the concentration of power. It’s a mechanism that ensures that even as AI grows in capabilities, the resources it needs to function remain under the control of a diverse, global network of human actors. This decentralized control serves as a counterweight to any force that might seek to dominate the system, making Bitcoin not just a financial tool, but a critical component in maintaining the balance of power in an increasingly digital world.

As we move forward, this role of Bitcoin as a check against runaway AI and other centralizing forces will only become more important. It’s yet another reason why understanding and nurturing these technologies is essential—not just for economic freedom, but for preserving the very structure of our society in the face of rapid technological change.

### **The Mosaic Reality: A Mixed Global Landscape**

If you’ve been paying attention, it’s clear that Bitcoin and AI aren’t just futuristic concepts—they’re active, transformative forces already reshaping our world. The future, as William Gibson famously put it, is here—it’s just not evenly distributed. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing: a mosaic reality where the impact of these technologies varies dramatically depending on where you are, who you are, and what resources you have at your disposal.

In some parts of the world, Bitcoin is already a lifeline, providing financial stability where traditional systems have failed. Take Venezuela, where hyperinflation has rendered the local currency nearly worthless. Here, Bitcoin isn’t just a speculative asset—it’s a means of survival, a way for people to preserve their wealth and transact in a global economy that would otherwise be closed off to them. In places like these, Bitcoin is already fulfilling its potential as a decentralized, censorship-resistant financial network.

Meanwhile, in more developed economies, Bitcoin is still largely seen as a speculative asset—a digital gold, if you will. While some are using it to hedge against inflation or diversify their portfolios, its true potential as a tool for financial sovereignty and decentralization has yet to be fully realized. Regulatory uncertainty, combined with a lack of understanding, has kept Bitcoin on the fringes of the mainstream financial system, at least for now.

AI, too, is painting a complex picture. In Silicon Valley, AI is driving the next wave of innovation, with startups and tech giants alike racing to build smarter, faster, and more capable systems. These technologies are transforming industries, from healthcare to finance to entertainment, creating new opportunities and new challenges along the way. But while some reap the benefits, others are left behind, either because they lack access to the technology or because they’re caught in the crossfire of rapid change.

And then there’s the rest of the world—places where the promise of Bitcoin and AI is still more theory than reality. In many developing nations, access to these technologies is limited by infrastructure, education, or simply the lack of capital needed to get started. The result is a patchwork of outcomes, where some regions are leaping ahead while others struggle to keep up.

This uneven distribution of technological progress isn’t just a quirk of history—it’s a fundamental challenge we need to address. The mosaic reality we’re living in means that while some are stepping into the future, others are being left behind. And this divide isn’t just about technology; it’s about opportunity, power, and ultimately, freedom.

But here’s the thing: the fact that these technologies are unevenly distributed today doesn’t mean they always will be. The regions that are early adopters of Bitcoin and AI are not just beneficiaries—they’re proof of concept. They demonstrate what’s possible when these technologies are embraced, and they can serve as examples for the rest of the world.

The successes—and failures—of these early adopters will shape the broader narrative of how Bitcoin and AI are integrated into the global landscape. They’ll influence policy, investment, and innovation, creating a ripple effect that will eventually reach those who are currently on the margins. But this will only happen if we recognize the mosaic for what it is—a snapshot of a world in transition, where the future is being written one piece at a time.

This mosaic reality isn’t just a technological issue; it’s a human one. It challenges us to think about how we can ensure that the benefits of Bitcoin and AI are shared as widely as possible, without falling into the traps of centralization or control. It forces us to confront the fact that the future we want—a future of decentralized power, economic freedom, and technological empowerment—isn’t going to build itself. It requires effort, vigilance, and a commitment to making sure that no one is left behind.

As we navigate this complex landscape, we need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture. The mosaic reality of Bitcoin and AI is both a challenge and an opportunity—a chance to build a future that’s as diverse and dynamic as the world we live in. The pieces are already in place; it’s up to us to put them together in a way that benefits everyone.

### **Navigating the Future: Small Course Corrections, Big Consequences**

Let me be upfront about something: I’m not an expert. I’m just a humble layman, watching Bitcoin and AI maybe a little closer than the average person, but without any illusions of deep expertise. I don’t have a PhD in computer science or a background in cryptography. What I do have is a decent ability to put pieces together, to see the writing on the wall, and to understand the stakes. And let me tell you, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

As an American, I’ve grown up in a world where the left-right, conservative-liberal divide has shaped our politics and policies. But here’s the thing—those divides are becoming increasingly irrelevant when it comes to Bitcoin and AI. These technologies are so transformative, so fundamentally disruptive, that clinging to old political identities is like trying to navigate the ocean with a map of the desert. It’s not going to get us where we need to go.

We need to recognize that small course corrections made today—whether in policy, regulation, or even in public perception—will have massive consequences down the line. We’re dealing with forces that are still in their early stages, but they’re growing rapidly. A wrong turn now, no matter how minor it might seem, could snowball into something catastrophic. Conversely, the right small move could set us on a path toward a future that’s more equitable, free, and prosperous for everyone.

Let’s start with Bitcoin. The most important thing the United States could do right now? Leave it the hell alone. Seriously. Just let it exist. Bitcoin is a force of decentralization, a check against the concentration of power, and an opportunity for financial sovereignty on a global scale. The last thing we need is for the government to start messing with it, throwing on layers of regulation that could stifle its potential.

But if we’re talking about doing something proactive—something that would really grease the wheels—it’s this: make Bitcoin-to-dollar transactions non-taxable events. That’s it. One small policy change that could have a huge impact. It would normalize Bitcoin as a currency, not just a speculative asset, and would integrate it more deeply into the economy. It’s a simple move, but one that could make all the difference.

And let’s not forget the missed opportunities. Just recently, President Biden vetoed bipartisan legislation that would have made it easier for banks to custody Bitcoin on their customers’ behalf. This could have been another huge step forward, allowing people to use the infrastructure they’re already comfortable with—letting banks hold Bitcoin just as they hold cash or stocks. Bipartisan support shows that this isn’t about left or right; it’s about common sense. And yet, Biden shut it down. As someone who has been a lifelong liberal, who has voted left my entire life, this was a wake-up call. This year, I’m voting Republican because I think the left is getting it wrong on this issue. They’re missing the forest for the trees, and it’s too important to ignore.

And it’s not just Biden. Elizabeth Warren, someone I used to admire tremendously, has been a vocal critic of Bitcoin. I once believed she was looking out for the little guy, but her stance on Bitcoin has made me rethink everything I respected about her. Either she fundamentally doesn’t understand Bitcoin, or she’s cynically opposed to it for reasons that don’t sit well with me. Neither possibility is comforting, and frankly, I’ve lost all respect for her on this issue. I don’t consider her an ally anymore.

Now, let’s talk about AI. We’re already seeing its utility and necessity across a wide range of industries. Commercial AI is here to stay, and that’s not a bad thing—innovation needs to be driven by competition, by the pursuit of economic goals. But here’s the kicker: we’ve got to make sure that open-source AI alternatives continue to exist. This isn’t just about keeping options on the table; it’s about ensuring that the power of AI remains distributed, accessible, and resistant to monopolization. The best approach? Again, don’t over-regulate. Don’t try to box AI into a corner with heavy-handed policies. Instead, focus on maintaining an environment where open-source projects can thrive alongside commercial ones. Give people the freedom to innovate, to experiment, and to build the future on their own terms.

The bottom line is this: these technologies are too important to get wrong. They’re going to shape the future in ways we can’t fully predict, but we can certainly influence. The decisions we make now—whether it’s how we treat Bitcoin or how we regulate AI—will echo through the decades. If we try to control them too tightly, we risk killing the very innovation that makes them so powerful. If we let them flourish, we open the door to a future of unprecedented freedom and opportunity.

So, let’s be smart about this. Let’s recognize that the old political divides aren’t going to help us here. Let’s focus on what really matters: creating a world where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. Let’s make the small course corrections that could lead to big, positive changes down the road. Because if we don’t, the consequences could be far more than we bargained for.

### **Conclusion: The Stakes and the Path Forward**

As we wrap up, there are a couple of crucial points to emphasize—points that should guide our thinking as we navigate the intersection of Bitcoin and AI.

When it comes to AI, the real danger isn’t the technology itself, whether we’re talking about AI, superintelligent AI, or AGI. The biggest threat is how governments and corporations might use the fear of AI to justify draconian policies. These policies could lead to censorship, pervasive surveillance, and the manipulation of public opinion—an erosion of the freedoms that we hold dear. It’s not the machines we need to fear; it’s the people who might exploit them for control.

Jeff Booth, in his insightful book *The Price of Tomorrow*, makes a compelling case that technology should be a deflationary force. As we get better at doing things, as technology improves, the cost of goods and services should decrease, moving closer to the marginal cost of production. This is how a healthy economy should function—technology making life easier, faster, cheaper, and better for everyone. But we don’t have that right now. We have a broken monetary system based on fiat currency, which inflates and quietly robs the populace. 

Bitcoin changes that. In a world where Bitcoin is fully embraced, technology can serve its proper role as a deflationary force, driving down costs and increasing prosperity. This is why a world with AI and no Bitcoin is the worst possible future for us—it’s a future where the benefits of technology are hoarded by a few, while the masses continue to suffer under inflation and economic manipulation. But a world with both AI and Bitcoin? That’s the best possible future—a future where technology drives prosperity for all, not just the few, where economic freedom is paired with technological innovation.

With Bitcoin, the greatest risk is that we fail to embrace it. Bitcoin represents an unprecedented opportunity for financial sovereignty and decentralization—a check against the concentration of power. But if we don’t recognize its potential, if we stifle it with unnecessary regulation or fail to integrate it into our financial systems, we risk missing out on a tool that could empower individuals and safeguard our freedoms in a digital age.

The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the decisions we make now will determine whether these technologies become forces for freedom or tools of control. Let’s make sure we get it right.

@TheGuySwann @Jeff Booth