@Maija Maijčika 🌲 (comp.lain.la Arc) @theo h. mann @buy robux today :ROBUX: @surk... sadly i wish japan won ww2
@:netbsd: Nishi @theo h. mann @Maija Maijčika 🌲 (comp.lain.la Arc) @buy robux today :ROBUX: Japan's fate was sealed when they attacked Australia
@surk... @theo h. mann @Maija Maijčika 🌲 (comp.lain.la Arc) @buy robux today :ROBUX: we need to destroy america
@:netbsd: Nishi @theo h. mann @Maija Maijčika 🌲 (comp.lain.la Arc) @buy robux today :ROBUX: that's fine, but don't fuck with Australia
@surk... @theo h. mann @Maija Maijčika 🌲 (comp.lain.la Arc) @buy robux today :ROBUX: australia did not do anything bad to me, so i won't