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. | 2 months ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +58
 The Democratic Party rigged the 2016 primary against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton. 

They rigged the 2020 primary against Sanders in favor of Biden.

In 2023 the Democratic Party changed the schedule and rules to restrict RFK from participating fairly in the primary, forcing him from the party.

Then in 2024 they disenfranchised 14 million delegates who pledged for Biden with a backroom coup, switching the candidate and the campaign funds by changeing the name on the forms. 

Gotta save that democracy right?

 Oh and when Clinton lost she spent the next four years saying that Trump was an illegitimate President and a manchurian Putin puppet.

But can't question the election results right? 
 she complained about it, sure, but she conceded the election the next day, like a sane adult does

the reason she complains is because she won the popular vote (note how it only seems like democrats lose the popular but lose the electoral lol...), and she doesn't go around saying everything is rigged 
 Right 🤡 
 "Democracy" just means rule by Democrats and they are very serious about saving it.

 Democrat party should change their name to OLIGARCH PARTY 
 That's just bad branding. If anything, they should change their name to The Peace and Prosperity Party. 
 Why are democrats ok with this? Are they that gullible or just power hungry? Or both? 
 The constituents seem to go along with it because they have equally been tricked to think that if Democrats aren't in charge it is the end of the world. But I can't imagine supporting it.  
 Sounds about right 
 There is a kind of spite involved too. The shadiness and duplicity is a tool they happily weild. The double think seems to give them a thrill.  
 Can't agree more .. I was a Bernie supporter in both 16 and 20 .. saw this unfold in front of my eyes .. 

Btw Harris is trying to invoke Bernie style passion in  through Veep pick .. but she doesn't know most Bernie bros already crossed the bridge over to conservative side.. ..thanks to #bitcoin  :-)  
 The Democratic Party has an uncanny ability to create inverted talking points.
"Save democracy" while openly undermining it.
"Conservatives are weird" while supporting the strangest policies ever.
 "Conservatives are weird"

Then watch the same 🤡 sign legislation to put tampon dispensers in boys restrooms... because that's not weird. At all. 
 But people now understand fake from real media ..  thanks to Trump for calling it out ... No one watches CNN , NBC , CBS anymore .. or reads NYT ... 

I still do Bloomberg for financial stuff but the moment they start politics , my brain shuts off :-)  
 Plenty still seem to both hear and openly support the bullshit. 
 That is true but the vaccines against "wok virus" are pretty effective  :-)   .. when people go to ballot they  leave the noise behind ... 

The reason for the noise is a vertical split   -  on multiple dimensions  ..for example 
-  base is sick of  wars - leadership is for 
-  base  is against Israel - leadership is for 
-  base is tired of inflation - leadership is focused on stock market 
-  base is worried of influx - leadership wants to open the flood gates 
-  base is done with ID politics  - leadership is still pushing the same chords

 I am not judging "right or wrong" on any of the issues I mentioned - all I am saying the party is in total chaos ..  the same thing reflects at the top of the tickets - no credible name wanted to throw in their hat against Trump2024 ... so you have what you have ! I wouldn't be surprised if RFK pulled more popular votes out of dem base than the coronation :-)  

On the other side - you have a party united under one banner. The message is clear  and everyone is aligned  - again no judgement on wrong or right - because no one knows the future ..but the game is not about being right or wrong  - it is about the organization .. better organized wins and is likely to take correct decisions as and when needed ..   
 You're welcome to come join the resistance my guy.

 Not sure I agree with the 2020 primary, but everything else is spot on.  

 Now do how the head of the RNC is Lara Trump. 
 Sounds like the truth hurts. 

We talking Democratic Party shady shit right now. I am an equal opportunity shit talker. 

I don't fall for false dichotomies. 
 Agreed. 2016 was blatantly rigged in the primary. Bernie won 2016 DNC. Then gen election 2016 caught them by surprise from new voters and folks who usually don't show up,they did in 2016.
2020 they hid behind a fake flu BS pandemic and rigged the vote with mail in ballots and harvesting. 
2024 I assume much more of the same will occur only more brazen and in our faces... almost testing us. 
 looking for friends here on nostr. I doubt that our vote is counted accurately too. 
 RFK could have been the Democratic candidate the entire time. 

Are you really going to vote for the backroom big money puppet candidate just because they slap a D next to her name?  
 Someone did this at my local Goodwill 😯
