America wants slave labour, it is how they got rich and stay rich.
The United States has been assisting China. another topic.
Americans are racist, they see you #Chinese as inferior. That is why the US won't help #Taiwan. Understand they are #Europeans' ancestors: remember what the #English did to #China? America is no different. Better to see with eyes open. They're wide-eyed devils.
. 1943年 宋美龄在美国国会演讲 全场起立鼓 Americans' assistance and understanding of the Chinese began in 1943, when Song Meiling, the first lady of the government of the Republic of China, gave a speech in the U.S. Congress.
Name: 宋美龄 Foreign name: SongMay-ling Nationality: China Birthplace: Pudong, Shanghai Date of birth: March 5, 1897 Date of death: she died on October 24, 2003 in Manhattan, New York, USA. Graduated from: Wellesley College, MA, USA Faith: Christianity. Song Meiling went to study in the United States at the age of 10 and received a good education in the United States from primary school to university.