@Salastil @buy robux today :ROBUX: @fzorb @pistolero @anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª Amber on black > green on black.
new vegas enjoyer spotted
Ah yes the P i s s f o n t
@anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª @542debdc @Salastil @buy robux today :ROBUX: @fzorb I am a Hercules Monochrome CGA video card with matching monitor enjoyer.
@pistolero @fzorb @buy robux today :ROBUX: @542debdc @Salastil @anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª kino
@surkâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â... @Salastil @fzorb @anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª @buy robux today :ROBUX: @542debdc Yeah, I wish I still had it.
@pistolero @surkâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â... @Salastil @fzorb @anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª @buy robux today :ROBUX: Damn shame. The 80s era monochrome displays are such a vibe.
my gf the other day "i miss when you used to play fallout"
I miss your Doritos
:graf_1::graf_2::graf_3::graf_4::graf_5: :graf_6::graf_7::graf_8: :graf_9:
Me too
@Salastil @buy robux today :ROBUX: @fzorb @pistolero @anime graf mays 🛰ï¸ðŸª The first computer i got to play with was a dual 5.25 floppy amber screened laptop type thing. Played zork, and some kinda ascii dungeon crawler thing on it. Shame modern web has a bit of a fit when you try to cram in low ascii characters.