Oddbean new post about | logout
 definitely preferable to use the ol sledgehammer or similar high powered destruction method

these are not computers, you can't run `dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/root` 37 times and i'm not sure that flash storage is as easy to hide so yeah, nah 
 also, i personally don't like the entire model of fixing mistakes shit

you sell me junk, ok, i probably wont' buy again

sell me junk twice, i'm done, gonna definitely buy elsewhere

i crash my car? yeah, that's why i save money and why i like bitcoin

fuck insurance and fuck warranties

either move everything valuable out of the addresses that were stored on that device, and if you can't, sledgehammer 
 I think the NSEC, location, identity, and metadata, is the only real worry here.

I do think Google probably has a process for harvesting shit from the phone after or they wouldn't be offering me 760 bucks

 Anything Bitcoin related is multisigged or revokable permissions 🦾 
 exactly... so put the phone in the mincer or it gets the hose 
 I think this is the right answer. You're always a real one mleku 🤝 
 you don't want to give the ring to gollum