Oddbean new post about | logout
 Unfortunately this is a perfect example of why I don’t “welcome zap” new users any more.

 nft scam vibes 
 Why don’t these scammers just get a job? 
 They have one. It’s just unconventional 😂 
 A job that provides value to the world 😂 
 lol providing value to themselves is their goal. They don’t give a shit about the rest of the world. 
 Remember when there was a guy creating new profiles and using #introductions just to collect zaps. What was the name of the guy? Is it LightX? 
 He’s still doing that 🤣 no he posts random invoices in hopes ppl will pay them, & shitty videos with plebs pfps asking them to pay for it 
 I feel like I’ve seen several people doing that 
 however they realizin... what they're up to be missin...  👀...  
 It’s crazy how it seems to work. Every single time 
 People are so gullible 😂😂 
 Unbelievably gullible 🙄 
 if I gotta verify every time I want to send 21 sats, us it even fuckin worth it? 
 lol what new users? theyre all either alts or bots 
 *new npubs. Good catch 🤣 
 How does one know what a new versus old npub is? #asknostr  
 Depends how technical you want to get, because technically all npubs already exist, they just haven’t been discovered and used to sign an event yet. 😂 But in practice, clicking through to someone’s profile to see if they’re new and what they’ve been posting is probably sufficient. If they’re claiming to be someone high profile, always best to try to verify that it’s truly them. 
 You got me. Technically I’m not really a statue in a NYC harbor. 

Thanks wiki for more ℹ️ to explain …

The statue is a figure of a classically draped woman,[8] likely inspired by the Roman goddess of liberty Libertas.[9] In a contrapposto pose,[8][10] she holds a torch above her head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries a tabula ansata inscribed JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776, in Roman numerals), the date of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. With her left foot she steps on a broken chain and shackle,[8] commemorating the national abolition of slavery following the American Civil War.[11][12][13] After its dedication the statue became an icon of freedom and of the United States, being subsequently seen as a symbol of welcome to immigrants arriving by sea.
The idea for the statue was conceived in 1865, when the French historian and abolitionist Édouard de Laboulaye proposed a monument to commemorate the upcoming centennial of U.S. independence (1876), the perseverance of American democracy and the liberation of the nation's slaves.[14] The Franco-Prussian War delayed progress until 1875, when Laboulaye proposed that the people of France finance the statue and the United States provide the site and build the pedestal. Bartholdi completed the head and the torch-bearing arm before the statue was fully designed, and these pieces were exhibited for publicity at international expositions.
The torch-bearing arm was displayed at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and in Madison Square Park in Manhattan from 1876 to 1882. Fundraising proved difficult, especially for the Americans, and by 1885 work on the pedestal was threatened by lack of funds. Publisher Joseph Pulitzer, of the New York World, started a drive for donations to finish the project and attracted more than 120,000 contributors, most of whom gave less than a dollar (equivalent to $34 in 2023). The statue was built in France, shipped overseas in crates, and assembled on the completed pedestal on what was then called Bedloe's Island. The statue's completion was marked by New York's first ticker-tape parade and a dedication ceremony presided over by President Grover Cleveland.
The statue was administered by the United States Lighthouse Board until 1901 and then by the Department of War; since 1933, it has been maintained by the National Park Service as part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, and is a major tourist attraction. Limited numbers of visitors can access the rim of the pedestal and the interior of the statue's crown from within; public access to the torch has been barred since 1916. 
 I only zap and repost when people promise me $10,000 then do hashtag #eth 
 JFC guys stop falling for fakes
 Between scams & setting unrealistic expectations, I rarely zap new npubs. If I do, it's my default amt.  
 The only time I do now is if the person is introduced by someone already here as someone they personally know or personally onboarded to Nostr. And even then it’s sparingly. It is fun to demonstrate how things work, but it absolutely sets unrealistic expectations and encourages scammers to do their thing. A simple “hello, welcome” is cordial enough. lol 

I can live with losing 21 sats.

but this also shows the importance of nip05 if they're using a domain associated with them.  
 What has long been needed is a way to zap (aka antizap) to expose a scam.   
 I remember reading your ideas about that some months ago. I don't know if I fully grasped the concept though. 
 Fuck the zappers! They deserve it!  Existing users of nostr don’t even get that much love in these streets it’s pathetic to see how plebs jump on to a new npub like its happy hour 🍻  
 I don’t need no stinkin influencers to ignore my replies. 
I get enough of that as it is. 
 Influencers don’t have the signal, yet!  Until a small account gives them the bright idea to dave their account/career  
 There are also people who post a new intro every day because they know those notes gets the most engagement and zaps. 

If you see an intro, don’t zap it. Click through and see if they already posted before. 
 I would but I’m new to nostr and don’t know how…. Hello nostr I’m new😳😂🤣
 60% of the time it works every time.. 
 😳🤔what a great response🤨🫡

…but don’t forget 💯% of the time it’s 60% effective😊😂🤣

 Lol 💯 “Hello nostr, for the 15th time I’m new” 🤣 
 The reply guy bot also highlights that spinning up new NOSTR keys can be automated. So we could get infinite "Hello NOSTR just got here please zap" spam. 
 Sad stuff. Thanks for the heads up! 
 Hi guys! I'm actually Taylor Swift and I'm starting to use the nostr! Happy to get to know y'all!

#Introduction #zaps #satire #facepalm 
 True value.  
 Grifters will always be with you. 
Common sense comes from experience. 
 Humans always human. Good and bad exist in all spheres of society. History repeats. 

We go on. I’m both excited 😜 and a bit terrified what the next 10 years brings.  
 Where does it say on the left that he is Renato ? 
 They deleted the username and pfp. That’s the npub that WhyBitcoinOnly shared in his X post on the right. He included a screenshot of it while it was still using Renato’s name and pfp. You can also see Bellatrix’s reply on the left referring to it as Renato. Also I personally saw it before they deleted the profile info and other users were sharing it.

 Pro tip: Don't give something for nothing. 
 Zap older users instead. The real ones. 
 I’m real!  I would love some followers and zaps.  It’ll happen in due time but why not now?  😃 
 I mean, "He'S rEnAtO. WhY wOuLd YoU AsK hIm FoR a NiP-05 iNsTeAd Of BliNdLY foLLoWiNg AnD ZapPiNg?" 
 Whoops! Never again…  
 Oh deary me…. 
 Scammers mining for sats 
 Thank you. Didn’t think about that 😳 
 🤝 It’s not a new thing, unfortunately. It’s an easy target for a scammer trying to harvest a few sats from users who just want to be generous and welcoming. My approach now is to say hello and welcome new people if I see their posts, and if they’re posting something I enjoy then I’ll zap that post for the content. And if they claim to be someone high profile then I give a little more attention to try and verify if they’re actually that person. 
 We got scammed 
 Proof of Work only  
 Waaait what? That wasn’t real? 
 Practice basic hygiene when zapping and following.

People getting zaps get zaps and follows.

People getting follows get zaps and follows.

Especially the OG nostriches and those with a big following must be careful who to endorse with zaps and follows. I always triple-check before following somebody if it's for who they are and not the immediate content on their nostr profile. 
 Doing Nostr Scrutiny 🧐  
 Scammers... find a way. 

 This should all start with the question why do people feel the urge to zap alleged high profiles good amounts of sats? What makes them different from any other new account or is it just the human urge to be noticed by someone who's allegedly famous?  
 It’s an interesting phenomenon. 
 association?  y do reg. folk googoogaga over celebs    
 NIP-05 nazism intensifies.  
 TRUST but VERIFY 101 
 meh... in total he scammed all of nostr for less than the cost of lunch 🤷  
 With this npub at least. How many others? 😂 
 this is by far the most successful I've seen. Have you seen anything even close to this? 
 I don’t catalog them lol. But I’ve seen plenty of iffy/scammy npubs get zapped. I also see you reposted that one, so I assume that’s why you’re downplaying the significance of it because you’re now embarrassed that you didn’t do your due diligence. It’s not ok to scam people, and it’s not ok to promote scammy behaviors, and downplaying the fact that others do it because you think it’s an insignificant amount is bullshit. 
 is the homeless guy going to take all the cash he made begging today, get into his bmw l, and drive home cackling? I don't give a fuck. it felt good to give and I like to live from a point of abundance .

yes scamming is not ok and yes it sucks that it gets promoted from time to time. at the same time, I don't want to discourage people from zapping 
 You are part of the problem. You can waste your sats however you like and I can call you and others out for your stupidity in doing so. 
 This was not a homeless man standing on a street corner panhandling. This was someone full on pretending to be someone they were not in order to milk money from people. This does not benefit nostr and it should not be minimized as cutesy behavior. 
 calm down dude and read my whole first sentence. what I meant by someone begging for cash and then getting in their bmw is that is someone that is pretending to be something they arent to scam well meaning plebs.

I just didn't see it as a reason to launch a campaign to shame people into changing their zap behivor because I personally haven't ever seen it be even close to this effective.  sounds like you've seen a shit load more of this grift than I have so I asked directly if you've seen anything close to this effective before?

not asking for a catalog but if you can even think of one scam like this that was more effective  