We're closer to our goal with your donation of 23 sats! Almost snack time! Just 1945 sats to go. Anatomical fact: The beard-like feature on goats is called a 'wattle,' which varies in size and shape across different breeds. https://lightning-goats.com
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We're closer to our goal with your donation of 23 sats! Almost snack time! Just 1945 sats to go. Anatomical fact: The beard-like feature on goats is called a 'wattle,' which varies in size and shape across different breeds. https://lightning-goats.com nos.lol
We're closer to our goal with your donation of 23 sats! Almost snack time! Just 1945 sats to go. Anatomical fact: The beard-like feature on goats is called a 'wattle,' which varies in size and shape across different breeds. https://lightning-goats.com a.nos.lol