Oddbean new post about | logout
 Aqua wallet is very interesting. 👀👀👀 https://image.nostr.build/4c25809e76958c990b3a23858b43c4ae903914b9f69551d89d12592c0bd550ff.jpg  
 Your licensing terms are also interesting... 
 A good custodian. Great backend. 
 Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 
 Yes, interesting. Startin offering shitcoin like thether or liquid... 
 what the heck is liquid bitcoin? 
 not Bitcoin but a close relative 
 i am *so* thrilled they launched the "receive in lightning/stack in liquid" feature!! really interested to see how it works 
 Is very interesting! But the fees is high! 
 Oh ! so its another Samson mow enterprise == blocstream/cuckstream == right on time when sat/Vbit rise to the max. This year will be interesting.
