You would have 9 balls with different activities to share (library/cultural; dancing/concerts; drinks; sports; food; gaming; adventure; professional partnership; random)
You would then see a sub list of activities related to the category you chose.
After picking one (could also be random option) you should see the map with every spot nearby where you can do or practice the activity.
Choose the spot and pair with someone, then set the time and date and hotstop there.
Looks similar to Everydate
It would be a lot of work to recreate maps and such. I like everydate approach where you just suggest an activity and people can respond to it.
Never had heard of everydate before…
Mfs seem to beat me to it.
Couldn’t open maps or something like that be used ?
The main feature would be the map:
A) for creating a comercial strategy for revenue (partnerships with businesses and stores)
B) to give emphasis to phisical locations
Although it’s a little similar it’s like bumble and tinder