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 WEN ARK @jb55  👀 nostr:note176scygztpj8tsncmclhk6yqdlrklvtm27rvnsv6nffj06uthjeas9glafc 
 ark kinda sucks for tipping because it creates lots of small vtxos, which has similar issues to creating lots of small utxos in terms of fees when you need to go onchain. That was one small gotcha I didn’t appreciate until @stevenroose explain it to me at bitcoin++ 
 what is ark better/best suited for? 
 virtual offline bitcoin transactions in the utxo model, no onchain footprint, instant. arkoor is used to avoid liquidity issues but its zero-conf. Tradeoffs 🤷‍♂️ 
 So liquid still undefeated? 
 If you can’t do a unilateral exit I don’t consider it an L2, liquid is not an L2 to me. 
 It isn’t but still kicks LN ass in many aspects. I hope someone pays attention 
 Wouldn’t that have to be updated every block on chain somehow? Or how would that work? 
 So maybe the only thing that can save us is lightning channel factories, covenants will be needed for that