I was reading this article on Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov's arrest. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/pavel-durovs-arrest-intel-agency The interesting thing actually wasn't directly related to his arrest. The US is being thrown out of Niger because it isn't doing what it promised Niger to do. A Niger officer said, "We respect America, we need their help. But this does not mean that we are ready listen to reproaches and accusations from incompetent people." They clearly have zero respect for the US leadership. John Leak then commented: "The last sentence of the Niger official’s statement strikes me as going to the heart of the matter. The U.S. government under the Biden Administration has unlimited ambition to control the world coupled with unlimited financial resources, but is strangely bereft of competence. Probably never in the history of mankind has a parcel of incompetent nincompoops possessed so much power and ambition. The timing of Pavel Durov’s arrest raises the suspicion it is a gambit to persuade him to grant French (and U.S.) authorities access to Telegram in order to monitor Russian military communications, as well as the communications of millions of others throughout the world whom Washington regards as presenting resistance to the U.S. national security state’s ambition for total global control." I thought this was the most interesting thoughts gained from the article.#grownostr #news #newstr #freespeech #tyrants