"She insisted that she was not vaping at the event. The whole pregnant woman story was false. Then last night local news produced a video which not only showed Boebert clearly vaping — sure enough there’s also a visibly pregnant woman sitting behind Boebert. The video actually includes the moment when the pregnant woman leans forward and asks Boebert something." ~ Josh Marshall #LaurenBoebert /1 https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/theres-videotape-annals-of-feral-lauren-boebert
"She appears to get an abrupt response from the feral congresswoman and it leaves her visibly taken aback. … It’s literally right there on video. Just like the pregnant woman said. Boebert’s comical lies are all proven for all of us to see." #LaurenBoebert #Republican #FamilyValue #Pro-Life /2