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 Hey #writers!

Where do you sit on the plotter/panster spectrum? Do you outline in great detail, discovery write the whole thing, or are you somewhere in between?

I tried pantsing my first few novels, and I ended up getting stuck and not finishing them. So I tried a detailed outline. I finished the novel. (Yay!) But I found I didn’t stick to the outline at all. The story evolved as I wrote it, and I found my new scenes were much better than the ones I’d originally planned to do. But I still couldn’t discovery write the whole thing without something of an outline to work with. 

With my second novel I wrote a much briefer outline, just a few sentences per chapter. Again the story evolved as I wrote it and I needed to update the outline about four times throughout writing the first draft. But hey, it worked and I completed the first draft.

I guess I’m a bit of both, plotter and panster. At least for now. 

#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #WritersofMastodon #Writing #AmEditing 
 @fa1e5b42 glad to hear. i am personally writing a manifesto, just in case i finally snap, but having some trouble expressing the depth of my hatred. can you give me a hand?