@Terry "What! Nazism is a ploy to have goys do the dirty work for usl?" "Always has been" :gunleft:
@0772000a some White Nationalists are easiky gaslit to fight for a country they can't even find on a map in a conflict they didn't give a shit about 5 minutes ago because look here is a picture of a eskimo. The eskimos are invading Ukraine. Its a non White invasion.
@Terry I wonder what their reasoning is. Russia bad for "replacing the White race"? When in reality it's Western powers who openly do exactly that, and they HATE Russia. Also pic related F6-J84pX0AAXglR.jpg https://bae.st/media/cc83c5fb40dbf772e48e686442ff118af3c5dd359666e24bdb472b7d414d34c6.jpg?name=F6-J84pX0AAXglR.jpg