NZ is considering it, but I gather that they won't. It was briefly a news story here, but seems to have been buried.
Candace is not afraid to speak her mind and she seriously considers some conspiracy theories like holocaust denial as possible. IMHO that does not meet the threshold of not being of "good character" (generally people with long criminal records) and so she will be allowed to visit NZ and speak to people.
We (NZ) have a very active Free Speech Union (of mostly old geezers as I reported earlier) that is passionately unaligned politically (defends all kinds of speech of wildly different political stripes). It has had many significant wins and judges around here generally regard them as very ethical, logical, reasonable, unaligned and correct. As a result of their excellent work, some speech supression projects have shut down incuding the Disinformation Project.
Being passionately politically unaligned and proving it over and over again by vigorously defending people with vastly different political alignment is what is required in order to be effective and make a difference. I think NZ is coming back out of it's flirtation with authoritarian censorship.