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 Modern Christian Infighting was basically the peak of anti-foreigner rhetoric it must have been a fucking paradise by comparison 
 "Immigrants built this nation" = "Christian Europeans built this nation, therefore you should allow in infinite brownoids that are practically pagans or atheists." 
 Imagine being able to get lost in New York City and end up in the "bad part of town" with all the "foreigners" in it and be able to say with some degree of certainty that nothing bad was going to happen to you while you found your way back to your side of the tracks. 
 A surly Irishman with his sleeves rolled up laughed at my fancy clothes! 
 "A dirty blonde haired 5 year old girl tried to grab my wallet" 
 The power of a racially homogeneous nation is being able to look at some extremely attractive Irish redhead and think less of her because of the cross she worships and how her voice sounds. 

Shitlibs will dismiss all this due to the lack of modern medicine (fair) and the fact that you couldn't fuck other men in the ass or watch porn on demand while entirely missing the point on why average people are nostalgic for the distant past that they view as a dark age. "What do you mean that sounds awesome, do you want to die of typhus at 35?" If it meant that the majority of my 10 children could make it to an adulthood where men are men, women are women, and most forms of degeneracy were socially and legally shunned, yeah I'd take that. 
 While it's easy to fall into Utopian thinking when being involved in a "movement" (whatever that means anymore) of futurists like ours, it's important to remember that the "good ending" for the West in regards to what we can conceivably do is to return to the same order of the 1800s and before, where Europeans and their disaphora basically stuck to one another but hated each other for petty and ultimately pointless reasons. And fought equally pointless little skirmishes to prove whose better and put hair on the chests of the freshly adult men of their countries. Only with modern technology and medicine thrown in the mix. 
 @Shadowman311 @BobsonDugnuttHB Those petty differences in no small part led to the revolts of the 19th/20th century. Religious wars and endless squabbling played no small part in the rise of secularism and then atheism. National wars in no small part sweetened the appeal of communism and liberalism, and disillusionment with nation/empire. They were the seeds of doubt that led to Europeans taking a bite of what the nice long-nosed man was offering. We don’t want to go back to any of that.
We should aim for a Global North. Russia+America+Europe and her colonies (Aus/SA). It can be a federation or a confederation, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Whites are on the inside, and browns are on the outside. Whatever relationship we forge with them at that point will be for our descendants to decide. We’ve got to stop the squabbling in any serious sense. If there are going to be crusades, it can’t end be like the fourth. If there’s going to be national conflict, it’s gotta be bantz on 4chan. Letting us fight amongst ourselves is basically how the jews got as far as they did. 
 That's the ideal but reality comes with compromise 
 Don't know if that's even ideal, highly doubt it's remotely possible. Even if you can exclude the jews, expect lots of shabbos, shitlib, and communist infiltration. I think I'm just never going to trust a powerful institution again (unless it's a dictatorship run by Giga-Hitler, but I don't think the Russians would be on board with that). 
 he also made aspersions as to the origins of my carriage, and the pH of my soil! 
 Those uncouth papists, well I never! 
 >"OH shit it's the bad part of town!" [People who look and act like me]