@supersid Vibing, wondering if there is something like DNDBeyond but for PF1E, wondering where I could find something to help with world building that I can easily share with anyone with a link and wondering about if I'd be able to run a Pathfinder 1E living world.
@Ronnie21093 I don't think so, most of the good tools exist for 5E cause it's the normie game.
Let me know if you find one though.
@supersid So far, I've only found something for PF2E.
@Ronnie21093 @supersid Just use Google Drive for that. :zt_think:
Running a "living world" is pretty difficult, Forge VTT can have something that can help you with that.
@151a46cf @supersid What's Forge VTT, anyways? I've heard of it, but never actually looked into it.