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 NFTs I don't mind. It's a game, people need games, what can you do.
But pay with ETH is pointless and bad. Also piece of a suit is absurd. Unless this is some sort of american custom that I am unaware of, it is idolatry - totally unacceptable and out of place. 
 You may not have picked up the massage I was getting at here 😉 
 I guess Trump's and your messages are not directed at me, because I am lost, totally have no clue what that could mean. If you said sun is flying around the moon, you are selling your own hand drawn unicorns and accept payments in blue dust from clothes dryers - that would make about the same amount of sense to me. 
 lol, this orange baffoon is selling digital CrYpTO garbage to raise money and made actual trading cards with pieces of the suit he was arrested in… I say this is “the president America deserves” because the country and the political system has become an embarrassing leviathan of grifting, corruption, and propaganda. A president that will piss off the establishment more than anything else in the world, and who is also a moron selling crypto NFTs… is literally the best representative for our idiotic state of affairs.

… but it’s less funny when you have to explain it 😆 
 I will assume it is to help us pity the shitcoiners less when they become poorer than before :-) 
 With a lot of respect for all the work that Guy Swann does, I am orange, too, by all meanings ;-) 

also Bitcoin is the same as Crypto

and Trump is making money while you're just shilling