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 It feels weird to be proud of a billionaire, but in bitcoin terms I’m a big bro to Michael. 

This is a powerfully redemptive moment for him. His Hodl journey has been very public and just as emotive and full of turmoil as the rest of us. 

Michael was peers with bezos. He was one of the longest reigning tech ceos from the dot com bubble onwards. Except unlike bezos he was overlooked, his company left to chug along for decades. Neither taking over the world, nor exploding in infamy. Just a solid company that existed in relative obscurity to most of the population. It must have bothered Michael somewhat. Because you can tell that he is just as smart and calculating as his famous peers who’ve gotten all the headlines over the last 25 years. To them he’s like the rest of us Bitcoiner’s. A bit of a misfit. Someone who fell through the cracks.

After years of patience he can now confidently sit in the CNBC studio and declare to the talking heads and the world direct to their faces. “Yes I was right. Yes I am beating all of you”. 

That’s the redemptive power of bitcoin. Whether you’re a billionaire or a pleb. You have the ability to reset your world and take your rightful place at the table. 

In many ways large and small bitcoin is about renegotiating your place in the world. 
 Well said. I'd be nowhere close to making a global impact without Bitcoin; I'd be a victim to obscurity. 

Bitcoin gives you the best shot at making not only an impact, but an extremely positive one for the world. 
 I consider myself lucky and I'm grateful that I've gotten into #Bitcoin just a few months after nostr:nprofile1qqs2xs05tluhtr6hpgsmqqxp04898gayjlyrjlexcrndv8j6el784xqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0xumta0 and MicroStrategy did.

His first podcast with nostr:nprofile1qqsg2zqd8wkhpnxu6lm5c2dyfa2mhpwte57apjae2ldp6g2mmwf3ypqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7v5unzt really shook my understanding of money, finance, and investing.

Not to mention the series he did with nostr:nprofile1qqs2xpwv3yngvx7auhr3hwm06w2tkn82dm6lt7ryq2eynlzuavxwygqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0m8x8vn.

Although I don't agree with him on everything, I have lots of respect for the man and his conviction. 
 Saylor helped me understand bitcoin and the world. 

His series of podcasts with Breedlove are required listening. 

His steadiness through the bear market was a beacon that I followed. 
 He inspired me to go all in 🤩 
 He did the same for me. Seeing someone with so much conviction backing it with the future of his entire company is inspiring! 
 Fuckin' A.  
 Whether a Billionaire or Pleb; avoiding public humiliation is a huge human driving force.  It’s actually why most are more afraid of public speaking than actual death. 
He put himself way out there & showed what conviction (based on real education) looks like.  He spent the time to earn his conviction. Many don’t. 
Balls of steel. I’m a Saylor maxi myself. 
 We all did the same thing just in a smaller way than him. That’s why I respect him as one of us. 
 Bingo. Exactly my point. Spend the time.  Conviction comes easy. 
 Great thread👊🏽

Good job #Hodl 🌅

…dang if u don’t bring out the grown up in our boy #SatsMcd sometimes🤔😂 
 I’m a me maxi but I slayed most my hero’s long ago. 
 I'm grateful for his contribution to the ecosystem. I learned a lot from him and continue to.  
 Agreed. The last question / 40 seconds were great. 
 Agreed. Also next time you're on his yacht eating fancy burgers tell him you have this austic rabbit internet guy who has a boating club coaster for him. 🫡  
 I have his assistants email. Let’s make this happen. 
 I gotta get you into the club too. If inclined DM me an address and i'll send them your way 
 I have some from like years ago 
 Sick. OG boating club member 😂  
 Papa Saylor knows 
 Yes I indeed loving watching him gather all this bitcoin. It’s amazing. Makes my dick hard brother. 
 His public journey has been fun to watch (and invest alongside). ⚡️ 
 Economic books of the future will have an entire chapter on MSTR & Saylor's Bitcoin strategy. 

The chapter will end with "in hindsight, it seemed so obvious" 
 I'm sure there are examples, but I am unaware of anything like Bitcoin that has brought together so many different people, generations, walks of life under one umbrella.  Maybe this is a function of it being money, maybe something else.  But I can think of no other social construct that exposes me to such diversity of humanity.   
 The only other thing would be the internet itself. Lots of diverse tribes & age groups created it and adopted it. Although it's currently adopted by far more people than Bitcoin is, that won't stay the case since everyone needs money and not everyone needs to go online.  
 You talk like a bitch on her period 

Find your nutsack faggot  
 Of course, he has to compromise a his morals. There are a lot of red flags with him. Cornering #Bitcoin as a store of value only, which enables government control through taxation; advocating for the USD as our MoE and centralized Bitcoin holdings via ETFs and strategic reserves to avoid a parallel system; to align with Banks, Corporations, Wallstreet as our friends etc etc
Not to mention his past. 
 Consider the possibility that advocating for the USD as MoE is a tactic to lessen antagonism by the Federal Govt and Federal Reserve. Also that there’s a sense of realism that this will continue to be necessary for a while, but that he does realize on a longer horizon this changes. At least this is how I have interpreted his position. 
 Nevertheless, dishonest. 
 So true. 
 I started buying Bitcoin in August of 2020, so Michael always made me feel like I wasn’t ‘too late’, which motivated me to not give up, stay humble and just keep stacking sats. 
 When you hear him sigh at the beginning of an answer, you know he’s about to drop some knowledge 
 lol facts 
 *sigh* here we go again... 
 I appreciate Saylor 
 He is so knowledgeable. His explanation of (what’s money) is amazing. I deeply admire his ability to explain things. I can listen to him for hours. 🧐 
 I could listen to him talk for hours about anything 
 We've beat... Every. Single. Company. 
 its crazy hoe people choose to ignore this yet evetone and their uncles aped into nvidia 
 You know Microstrategy has way bigger upside when it has risen more than Nvidia but without the mainstream hype. 
 I agree. I knew about bitcoin since 2014 and even had some back then. But I did not get it's uniqueness, I did not get how it is fundamentally different from all other shitcoins, I did not get "money". So I  played around with other coins, traded and lost most of it. I credit Saylor's thoughts and hours and hours of explaining bitcoin from a more philosophical and economical standpoint and the fundamental importance of proof of work that it clicked.  
 When you hold bitcoin you stand for something and everyone who has taken the time to learn, be humbled and see possibility knows what that is.  Another way to align and express your values.  This is why we are all kindred spirits. 
 Fap over Michael more 
 Saylor is a living legend… we’ll be studying his transformative execution of financial mastery for decades to come.🚀 
 Nicely said 
 Wouldn’t be here without Saylor.  He’s been a signal for me of signal. 
 Well I guess I’m an old pleb bitcoiner. Excited to onboard and get carried along with the most disruptive technology in the world. And I hope I have a “redemptive moment “  especially facing my doubting peers. 
 Great note 👌 
 Haha, I guess orange pilling tradfi is just teaching by repetition so they assimilate it via familiarity.