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 School districts across US announce massive cuts in response to fiscal cliff, as teachers fight to defend education

School districts across the US are facing a dire fiscal cliff for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with plans for school closures, staff layoffs, and termination of critical supports for students. The Biden administration's decision to end Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds is one of the causes of the fiscal crisis. The loss of funds means the ending of tutoring programs across districts and trade-offs at the expense of children. The pandemic has exacerbated social inequality in education, leading to disproportionate attacks on the most vulnerable. Teachers and students are beginning to fight back, with strikes, walkouts, and rallies taking place in various districts. Major struggles are expected in New York City, Texas, and California. The fight against these attacks necessitates a strategy based on uniting educators nationwide and across the globe in a common struggle. The American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association are criticized for their role in forcing through concessionary contracts and stifling opposition to COVID. The defense of public education is connected to the fight against war and the capitalist profit system. Educators are urged to join or build rank-and-file committees to fight for their rights and the integrity of public education.

#Education #FiscalCliff #SchoolClosures #TeacherLayoffs #EsserFunds #Pandemic #Inequality #TeacherStrikes
