I got most of my understanding from Dalrock The Duluth model of domestic violence could be understand as the an outgrowth of old chivalric principles taken to their logical conclusions. Women can do no wrong, and worship and protection of women regardless of their actions. Chivalrous conservatives and screeching feminists are two claws of the same hand
ahhh dalrock. I think that's a solid start, but I think it's deeper than that. I think we built a society which did a pretty good job of taming women's bad impulses. But part of the way it did that ended up blinding men to nature.
in a Cheserton’s Fence kind of blind.
Some seeds take a long time to grow or need special soil conditions. Courtly love was always bad, but the enlightenment let it grow into something terrible. I don't know what to do about the blinding men to women's nature part. I mean it's being fixed now, but in a consequences way instead of a prevention way