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 Fuck that guy.
First supports the Israeli genocide, and now this.
He's a cunt. 
 Self defense isn't genocide.  
 Killing 30,000 people including 10,000 children in 5 months isn’t self defense. 
 Those deaths are on Hamas, not Israel. Israel has a duty to end the threat that slaughtered their people. Hamas hiding behind children isn't Israel's responsibility. They have no duty to Palestinians. The people in Palestine should kill Hamas and sympathizers if they really disagree with them so much. You don't get to stand by while your people amass weapons and attack another country then cry genocide when that country responds.

The responsibility lies solely with those who attacked and continue to attack Israel; those who refuse surrender and support Hamas. 
 Do more homework bro.
You are very misinformed. 
 Yeah, because people committing genocide go out of their way to avoid civilians and give them aid. What a joke. 
 do more research. 
 So yes, it is self-defense. 
 One of the few legitimate functions of government is to defend it's people from attack. To that end, it is a government's duty to attack and destroy without mercy until full surrender. No deals, no compromises. Surrender or annihilation. That's the deal.

The people who don't have the stomach for that are the reason we see decades long wars with far more deaths. In fact, Israel has been too delicate, which has caused more deaths.

War should be swift and brutal. So much so that future threats think twice before fucking around and finding out again. THAT is the point of a state. Hamas has went on for too long, and the people of Palestine have allowed it for years.

I don't want it to be this way, but I'm not going to blame anyone other than Hamas and those who enable them. They can end this and choose not to. That's on them.

 Israel created hamas.  
 @matt lol @ "it's okay that they're killing children because the children deserve it somehow" 
 You're a fucking retard. Into mute land you go. 
 You're right - self defense is not genocide. Self-defense would look very different from what Israel is doing.  
 You've been reading too much zionist propaganda, buddy - using gov-sponsored false flags to justify killings and occupation of other people's homes is not an honorable, moral or decent thing to do for grown ups.

I recommend this jewish author for a good counter-point to your views:

 I've actually just looked at history and reality. I don't need a counter to my views. I support the more moral state, and that's Israel. 
 No state has morals.
History is the proof.
At any time the state will sacrifice any follower for it's own agenda.
The same as any cult.

If you believe in any state, you are part of a cult.
 On the contrary, the state has the morals of the people it employes.

For the most part, that morality can be summarised as "whatever keeps me in the job (for at least 4 more years)".


 Every statist thinks he supports the "more moral" one ... there is no moral state. You'd know this after reading some common sense, logical arguments about the state's (every state's) practises and existence. Read some Rothbard.

Your bio says "objectivism, capitalism"
Ayn Rand is turning in her grave 😵 
 Ayn Rand believed in having a state, dumb ass. I'm literally voicing ideas SHE convinced me of. Maybe you need to go read more of her work before using her as a fallacious attack against my argument. 
 I find it hard to believe Rand would promote bombing kids and poorfucks as a legitimate state function. Think it's you who should read up on her work. You might also find researching problem -> reaction -> solution useful
 I don't care what you believe. Israel has a duty to destroy the enemies who attacked it, even if those scumbags hide behind children. That is on Hamas and those who enable them (the people who allowed them to exist in power), not Israel. Rand doesn't have to agree with my every position for me to have one, as I know how to think, but she definitely would agree with me. You've clearly read very little of her work.

Here's her proving you wrong since you're too lazy to check for yourself.
 Gazans should have considered the consequences of Hamas before it went and started a war with another country. They don't get to play victim after the fact while still allowing them to continue being a threat. They should kill Hamas themselves.

Hamas is clearly the more evil government and therefore has no claim to moral superiority. They should all die.  
 I guess you also believe 9/11 was organized by a man in a cave 
 Fuck off. 
 There's no need for this. Formenting hate between peoples is a divide and conquer technique and your position is playing right into their script.

Wishing for people you do not know to die solely based on media/government claims is a symptom of too much propaganda. It's the same as a cop believing he's serving the people, protecting them.

While we hate each other the controllers have a grand time sponging off of us and watching us kill each other, all the while trying to convince us this is "human nature." It's not and we shouldn't. This world is heaven, up to us to keep it that way. 
 I find it hard to believe Rand would promote bombing kids and poorfucks as a legitimate state function. Think it's you who should read up on her work. You might also find researching problem -> reaction -> solution useful
 I don't care what you believe. Israel has a duty to destroy the enemies who attacked it, even if those scumbags hide behind children. That is on Hamas and those who enable them (the people who allowed them to exist in power), not Israel. Rand doesn't have to agree with my every position for me to have one, as I know how to think, but she definitely would agree with me. You've clearly read very little of her work.

Here's her proving you wrong since you're too lazy to check for yourself.
 Gazans should have considered the consequences of Hamas before it went and started a war with another country. They don't get to play victim after the fact while still allowing them to continue being a threat. They should kill Hamas themselves.

Hamas is clearly the more evil government and therefore has no claim to moral superiority. They should all die.  
 I guess you also believe 9/11 was organized by a man in a cave 
 Fuck off. 
 There's no need for this. Formenting hate between peoples is a divide and conquer technique and your position is playing right into their script.

Wishing for people you do not know to die solely based on media/government claims is a symptom of too much propaganda. It's the same as a cop believing he's serving the people, protecting them.

While we hate each other the controllers have a grand time sponging off of us and watching us kill each other, all the while trying to convince us this is "human nature." It's not and we shouldn't. This world is heaven, up to us to keep it that way.