@fa6b2777 When I was involved with Nordic pre-Christian reconsructionist neoPaganism (by whatever name each of us might choose), I was a little upset at the ADL's blanket condemnation of nordic runes and anyone who used them. Since leaving that faith, I've seen how widespread the white supremacy is in those closely adjacent to those I left behind, and I agree.
@78eac2e9 I actually know exactly what you're talking about. One criticism I have of the ADL/SPLC (which, in fairness, I think they're getting better at) is that they did a bad job of recognizing situation and context as a necessary factor. You can be into Wiccan theology, e.g., and use some of the same iconography that's been co-opted by neo-Nazis — and not even know it! (But you're also quite right that some of these communities obsessed with these symbols tend to lean that way anyhow.)