So close to getting the point. The government should not be involved in dictating a woman's health includes not being able to prevent them from receiving a potentially life-saving procedure because the conservatives get the ick about a woman having an abortion. But that's what's happening in places like Texas.
Its up to the states to determine how to handle such issues, and given the imperfection of the world, this is the best scenerio. To enact it at the federal level prevents anyone from refining the systems of justice to optimally protect all parties involved. A federal edict on either side of an unresolved issue is no more moral than alcohol or other forms of prohibition. What RvW created was a prohibition of legally protecting children in the woumb. Overturning RvW struck down the prohibition.
I'd argue that the only valid powers of government are protecting life and private property. From the moment of fertilization, the baby is a life as defined by every biology text book and it is human because of its unique human DNA. Killing a human life for convenience is wrong. Period. You talk about abortion saving a life, but that is basically never the case except in the case of a tubal pregnancy. In that case it makes sense because the choice is between two deaths or one death and we should want to minimize death of human lives.